Antivirus software is must-have protection. This review picks the best antivirus software based on its virus detection abilities, features, and breadth of protection. Whether you're seeking total system coverage or an ala carte solution, each of the following products provides superb virus protection for Windows-based PCs. Because every system is unique, evaluate several of these antivirus products to find the software best suited for your PC and your level of experience.
1. Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Premium
AntiVir is a consistent leader in independent antivirus tests. Avira's AntiVir PersonalEdition Premium is a low-impact, easy to use virus scanner that also includes rootkit detection and phishing protection. Five euros of each purchase is automatically donated to the Auerbach Foundation, a non-profit that supports various charity and community-related services.
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- anvir ini berpengaruh kuat, mudah digunakan sbg peneteksi virus termasuk di dlmya deteksi rookkit dan perlindungan phishing. 5 euro utk masing2 pembelian secara otomatis akan disumbangkan ke yayasan Auerbach.
2. Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal offers excellent antivirus protection, perhaps unsurpassed in its ability to unpack and scan compressed files - something that trips up a lot of other vendors. Should be used in conjunction with a firewall.
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- Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal menawarkan anvir yg sgt hebat, mungkin tk dpt bibandingi dalam kemampuanya utk membuka dan mendeteksi file2 kompresan. Harus digunakan bersama dg firewall
3. BitDefender Antivirus Plus
Softwin's BitDefender Professional protects against viruses, spyware, and instant messaging threats, as well as offering firewall rules to block undesirable traffic and a privacy gateway to keep your identity and preferences private while surfing the Internet.
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- Softwin's BitDefender Professional melindungi serangan virus, spyware dan ancaman instant massage, sebaik mungkin menawarkan kebiasaan firewall utk memblock lalulintas yg tdk diinginkan dan melindungi identitas ketika surfing di internet.
4. McAfee VirusScan Plus
McAfee VirusScan Plus is an ideal candidate for those seeking an antivirus/firewall combination without all the bloat of traditional Internet security suites. McAfee VirusScan Plus makes an easy job of removing adware and spyware, something not all antivirus products deliver.
McAfee VirusScan Plus adl pilihan tepat dlm mencari anvir/kombinasi firewall tanpa membengkakan pengamanan internet. McAfee VirusScan Plus mempermudah pekerjaan utk memindah hardware dan spyware, sesuatu yg tdk diberikan semua anvir. [/quote
5. Panda Antivirus 2007
Panda Antivirus 2007 combines antivirus, antispyware, and antiphishing with its highly touted behavior-based TruPrevent Technology.
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- Panda Antivirus 2007 menggabungkan antivirus, antispyware dan antiphising yg sgt dipuji2 kemampuannya berdasar TruPrevent Technology.
6.F-PROT Antivirus
F-PROT Antivirus for Windows offers a feature that's increasingly harder to find - it includes a command-line scanner that can be used to create a rescue CD for scanning the system in Safe Mode. This is a particularly effective way to remove stubborn resuscitators.
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- PROT Antivirus for Windows menawarkan keunggulan yg semakin bertambah utk mencari – termasuk didlmnya perintah – scan yg dpt digunakan utk menciptakan CD penyelamat utk mendeteksi system Safe Mode. Ini sgt efektif utk menghilangkan virus yg bandel.
7. G Data AntiVirusKit (AVK)
AntiVirusKit (AVK) provides a double layer of protection, bundling two of the best antivirus engines - Kaspersky and BitDefender - under a single, easy-to-use console. Like Nod32, you'll also want to bolster G Data's AVK with a fire.
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- AntiVirusKit (AVK) menyediakan perlinungan lapisan ganda, dilapisi dua anvur terbaik yaitu Kaspersky and BitDefender. Ini Sanagt mudah digunakan.
8. AVG Anti-Malware
AVG Anti-Malware combines traditional virus protection with adware and spyware scanning, in a low impact footprint ideal for resource-strained PCs or those who just want the best performance possible out of their computers. Free tech support is available via email and the standard license includes two years of protection. Should be used in conjunction with a firewall.
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- AVG Anti-Malware gabungan perlindungan virus tradisi dg deteksi adware dan spyware, dlm pengaruh footprint cocok utk menghasilkan kembali tegangan PC atau yg hanya mengingikan penampilan terbaik pd computer. Harus digunakan bersama dg firewall.
9. Eset Nod32
Nod32 features a small footprint, low performance hit, and fast scan speeds, providing focused virus protection ideal for gamers or those with an older PC. Should be used in conjunction with a firewall.
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- keistimewaas Nod32 adlh footprint kecil, tampilan yg mudah, dan sgt cpat dlm mendeteksi, dikususkan utk perlindungan virus cocok bg yg suka game ato pengguna PC lama. Harus digunakan bersama dg firewall